Shiplee app is your flexibility, independence, and opportunity to drive and make money at anytime and anywhere.
Shiplee connects you with a wide range of customers and businesses who need shipping & delivery of different items and sizes.
So no matter what kind of vehicle you have, the location you are in, or the destination you are headed to, you will always find the right order that fits your needs.
Because we value your efforts & time, delivering with Shiplee can help you:
Earn extra money as a part time job
Earn a steady income wokring full time
Work at the time that fits your schedule
Work from anywhere
Registering with Shiplee is easy:
Download the app
Click sing up
Fill out your information
Wait for the approval within 2 working days
Start delivering items. That’s it !
Success is in your hand. What are you waiting for?
Join Shiplee and start delivering & earning money!